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How to use:

Wipe the entire face, neck, and chest with a pad one to two times daily following cleanser. Because excessive drying of the skin can occur, start with one application three times/week in the morning immediately following cleanser - do not rinse, then gradually increase to daily or twice daily as tolerated. If bothersome dryness or peeling occurs, reduce application to once a day or every other day.

  • If you are starting to use Revision Brightening Face Wash with the toning pads it is best to start incorporating them alternating every other day.

  • For example: Monday - Gentle Cleanser then Toning Pads; Tuesday - Brightening Face Wash; Wednesday - Gentle Cleanser then Toning Pads

  • If anything feels too irritating, I recommend temporarily stopping the Brightening Face Wash and only re-introduce once your skin feels “normal” with regular Toning Pad use.

  • If you have keratosis pilaris (KP) you can wipe the pad across that area as well. Always use the pad to your face first.

  • Brief stinging post application (~1 min) is to be expected and is totally normal.

Tips on how to incorporate other Barefaced Pads if you have multiple pads!

Key Ingredients: Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Glycolic Acid

Paraben free. Sulfate free. Cruelty free.

These ingredients are considered pregnancy safe by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. However, we always recommend receiving clearance by your OBGYN prior to use.